
Check out our Youth Instagram: @sunnyvaleicyouth
Youth Group
YG Zoom @5pm
YG In-person @7 pm
Every Wednesday we have both an online Zoom & in-person interactive service for middle school and high school students. It’s important for our youth group to interact with each other to build relationships. There is usually a game/icebreaker to get students talking to one another, a message from our Youth Pastor, Danielle Labrador followed by a time for discussion, highlights and prayer requests.
Camps, Conferences and Events
There is so much spiritual growth when students sit down and intimately have bible study with a small group of their peers. We see a community form and spiritual growth take place. We also join in with other AG churches for sponsored events and conferences so our youth can come together in bigger venues of fellowship and leadership camp.
Serving Opportunities
Students are able to serve in various ministries at S.I.C., from Children’s Ministry to Technology under supervision and training overseen by the Youth Pastor.
Pastor Danielle’s heart is to help students find their God-given talents and giftings, as well as how to serve God wholeheartedly and joyfully. Serving God in this way can only happen when students are continuously growing in their personal relationship with Jesus. Therefore, students interested in serving should be regularly attending Youth Group, or demonstrating a growing relationship with our Lord.
Select students currently in the Youth Group are eligible to apply for internships under Youth Pastor, Danielle Labrador.